Antares AgriturismoSan Foca

Menu of the day

Salento is a transit route, between two seas, crossroads of different people. Every population left a track that keeps on living in the culinary tradition including the sun heat and the wind blowing. You can taste all this every day in our menu!

You will find our vegetables, baked products and pasta from durum wheat flour, the chickpeas, the broad beans and the peas, and all the local traditional dishes, for example the horsemeat in tomato sauce and the “ciceri e tria” (homemade pasta with chickpeas and chunks of fried pasta). A simple and genuine cooking at a fair price.

Menù includes:

Homemade/Traditional Antipasto
  • The appetizer varies every day and generally includes vegetables and greens grown in our organic garden, legumes, focaccia, pittule, croutons, prepared simply as they used to be.
First Course
  • One choice among the two/three dishes of the day
Main Course
  • One choice among the two/three dishes of the day
  • Water and house wine

€ 30 per person

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